We would like to inform you that the incident on Dedicated Servers in the YYZ0101A03A has now been resolved.
Here is detail for this incident : Start time : 21/01/2025 09:15 UTC End time : 21/01/2025 11:30 UTC Root Cause : This incident was caused by a cooling system issue.
We thank you for your understanding and patience throughout this incident
Posted Jan 21, 2025 - 12:07 UTC
We have determined the origin of the incident affecting our Dedicated Servers offer.
Here are some supplementary details : Start time : 21/01/2025 09:15 UTC Impacted Service(s) : Some servers in the rack YYZ0101A03A are no longer responding. Root Cause : This incident is caused by a cooling system issue. Ongoing Actions : The incident has been identified and our teams are mobilised to restore service as quickly as possible.
Our teams are fully engaged and working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. We will keep you updated on the progress and resolution. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding.
Posted Jan 21, 2025 - 10:35 UTC
This incident affected: Dedicated Servers || Global Infrastructure (YYZ).